Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Blog 3

In the article, "12 freshman House members: The Senate needs to act on health care," FOX News Opinion argues that the Senate needs to get their act together to replace ObamaCare immediately. Now is the opportunity window for the Republican Senate to get rid of the health care plan that is failing miserably. A big reason the Republicans were voted in to the Senate was to repeal ObamaCare and come up with an alternative way to provide health care.
 The intended audience of this article is the Republican Senators as well as the American voters. The author wants the Senators to understand that it is their job to represent the votes of the American citizens to create a new health care system and get rid of ObamaCare. The author also wants the American citizens to read the article to know that the Senators should be working on a new health care plan now. This is a credible article since it has been written and published for FOX News and even edited again after an update to the situation occurred.
The argument of the article is that the United States Senate needs to create an agreement to get rid of ObamaCare as soon as possible, because ObamaCare is currently causing so many people to suffer. With the Affordable Care Act, 35,000 people have no insurance providers available to them at all while 3 million only have one option. Due to this limited availability of insurance options, the rates have become ridiculously expensive and unaffordable. For example, a lady named Michelle Harris has arthritis from years of serving tables as a waitress but cannot afford medical attention. She claims, “It hurts, but we don’t have that kind of money.” Another lady, Irene Solesky, a mortgage underwriter, believes “medical insurance is actually driving people to financial ruin.” It is crazy that people are struggling financially because of medical insurance when the whole point of insurance is to protect people in case of an emergency. If this insurance will put people in debt, it would be smarter to not even pay for medical insurance and hope for the best when it comes to our health.

Since ObamaCare has given people less choice and availability of insurance providers and increased the cost of health insurance, the Senate must figure out a way to end this disaster. With now being the time to act for Republicans in the Senate, it is crucial that the Senators represent the citizens’ votes to fix healthcare in America.

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