Friday, July 14, 2017

Blog Stage 2

In the New York Times, I read an article about a new health bill unveiled by Senate Republicans. The proposal is aimed to replace the Affordable Care Act and lower health insurance costs for consumers while keeping a pair of taxes on high-income people. The goal of the bill is to lessen the gap between the moderate and conservative Republicans. Although the new bill has been announced, the moderates are still concerned for the people who would not be insured, while the conservatives want less regulation of health insurance. Even though repealing the Affordable Care Act is a huge goal of the House Republicans and President Trump, passing this bill seems to be very difficult in the Senate. If the new bill is passed, health insurance may be cheaper, however insurance providers could avoid consumer protections currently in place due to the Affordable Care Act, such as discrimination based on a person's health status, medical condition or history, and disabilities. This article is worth reading because if the bill is enacted, it would get rid of the work done over the past fifty years by presidents of both parties attempting to expand health insurance coverage.

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